
    pielover said
    (4) An owner or occupier of a lot must ensure that the lot is not used for any commercial purpose that involves the lot being used by its occupants on a short-term basis for less than thirty (30) days.

    May I suggest that the above clause could imply that, as it is ambiguous and pertains to any ‘occupant’. 

    The Member (like various authorities across Australia) found that letting a unit on Airbnb wasn’t “commercial” so I doubt very much if allowing friends and family to stay there would fall under that clause, even if they were paying something for the privilege.  And yes, I would have a friends and family exclusion in the law (not a by-law).

    Shouldn’t a by-law be unquestionably unambiguous, clear, concise, self-contained and not open to differing interpretations at the whim of the SC?  

    Absolutely and that’s one of the many areas in which this one fails

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