
    Correct Ziggy.

    This is a Zoning (Local Council) issue, not a strata issue.  Councils must be mandated to enforce zoning legislation.  

    Have you noticed Councils no longer issue parking and other fines?  Well, they still do this, so they need to be enforcing our Determination of Development Applications and the Residential certificates of occupation too.

    It’s unfair that individuals and groups within residential buildings/suburbs have to struggle through the Tribunal/Courts when they have clearly bought into a residential property/suburb.  We’re being pitted against multi-billion dollar platforms who use ‘privacy concerns’ to hide the extent of what’s going on.

    In 2013 a 1,200-page Request for Orders to the Tribunal was dismissed; it’s zoning…go to Council.  The Council in question finally took the matter to the Land and Environment Court and Orders were issued there, together with a Penal Notice.  There was NO contest.  The respondent knew he was absolutely in the wrong.