
    It has nothing to do with exchange of contracts, ownership transfers when the transfer is lodged with the Titles Office and the new owner is put on the title. For so long as the current owner is on the title they are the owner – it is that simple. You don’t have to worry about the acquisition date, the relevant date for your purposes is when title transfers.

    The new owner then has to notify the strata scheme to have their name put on the roll, which is an extra step. We had one owner who had inherited their property, but their solicitor had not lodged that notification so they weren’t able to vote because they weren’t on the roll.

    CGT and transfer duty are also irrelevant, however note in the latter case when title transfers that is when you pay the duty, so the two go together.

    In terms of the Committee member they have every right to be on the Committee until title transfers, because they are still the owner. If levies have fallen due, if the levies are not paid then it is not until after the due date that the Committee member can’t vote.