
    Changing the layour of rooms in an apartment requires planning permission in most local council areas. Building a bathrom where it could cause noise nuisance to neighbours (i.e. it’s above their bedroom) is worthy of checking.

    Contact the council and ask them to issue a stop-work order, then get an application in to Fair Trading immediately on as many issues as you think have a solid basis for challenge.

    Regarding section 25, you have 28 days from a meeting to file an application to NCAT on the grounds that people were denied a vote and that vote would have changed the final outcome.

    You can also challenge the special resolution by-laws on the grounds that they are incompetent because they breach a superior law (planning, for a start).

    Once you have filed your mediation application, ask NCAT for  interim orders to stop the work from going ahead until the issue has been resolved.

    Deal with your apathetic committee at the next AGM by running candidates for election- this is not the time for a palace coup.


    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.