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Thank you to Jimmy-T and others,
I think from the feedback that I have to bundle all issues into one big NCAT ? And maybe work in background to also inform owners about whats going on. ( social media, email…etc ) .
I like the Council Development Application angle in regard to car park spots and I will make enquiries with council.
I sent a letter to committee about 4-6 weeks ago and I have received NO reply in regards to parking spaces and other common property changes . However I was told today by a live in owner that several tradespersons were suddenly onsite again today and now grinding committee members unit numbers off the car parking spots , thus removing the unit numbers ( more OC expenditure to cover up ) but the locked bollards and spaces still obstruct common property, but no one actually knows who holds the Keys to bollards and car spaces ? …. probably same lot owners ? Who can find out given the current amount of secrecy ?
Financial records show the bollards were actually paid for by the OC funds so ” the committee ” or lot owners are again changing common property with OC funds … So someone knows who has keys to bollards and they are changing common property (unauthorised) again? Hard to find out ? I can only link these changes to my letter to the committee for explanation for numbered spots.
Whats difficult is when individual lot owners appear to act behind cover of ” the committee” but really undertake duties, make decisions and spend money as individual lot owners and appear self serving.
I really like the idea the ‘ individual lot owners’ that are hiding in key roles and titles as “Strata committee members” can perhaps be made individually accountable at NCAT for the decisions and liable for unauthorised expenditure ? Especially if have not complied with Act and had a prior special resolution to do so.
I would still appreciate any ideas in future.