
    Bluey, although the resolution you quote is a standard one employed by most owners corporations, it is far from mandatory.

    In your case it would be a matter of proposing an amendment that covers the kind of issues that concern you, particularly matters that you feel have not been properly discussed in the past and which should be excluded from delegated powers in the future.

    However, the strata committee will argue with some validity that to hold a general meeting just so that issues can be aired more widely, will hinder the smooth running of the block.

    It sounds like communication is the issue here, not decision-making.  Perhaps you could propose a motion that the strata committee issue consult more widely, explaining the major decisions they will be considering and why they are making them, so that owners can attend the committee meetings (as they are entitled to do) and raise their concerns there.

    A newsletter issued a couple of weeks before their meetings would open up better communication on a number of fronts – not just contentious issues – and would be of benefit to the community as a whole.  But then you’d need to find someone prepared to write it.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.