
    Hi all,

    Thankyou for the sound advice , I have read the defamation case payout $120,000 on FLAT CHAT.

    I have been very careful to keep all personal opinions  to myself and just confront the committee with facts and questions in all correspondence. It was difficult at AGM 18 when I asked questions and was faced with a committee member who yelled  , intimidated and physically stood over me . I’m want to avoid being  the brunt of more behaviour, so  decided NCAT is only way for lot owners to address the issues . The advice of Flame  Tree – “don’t run too far in front of others”  is good tip so I am advising other owners who are also unhappy with changes to document their issues and request answers from committee / strata manager as I did .

    I am  now concentrating my efforts on gathering valid evidence ( I filed for Mediation) and then request NCAT to request the valid documented evidence from the OC .With no valid Minutes /Correspondence to owners or any EGM minutes authorising changes to common property or  approving expenses , it will make Exec committee ( ie the  1 or 2 individual lot owners ) actions finally accountable. The removal of those individuals is desired outcome as it will clear the way for new EC members who want to fix the past. Agree with advice to have a back up “committee” ready to step up .

    This is a great Forum so thanks for input. I will update you on outcome of NCAT when I finally get there , but I may need some more advice along the way…..?