Flame Tree (Qld)

    We just had our agm and when folks signed in they received a card to show at voting, it should be at this registration that the Manager checks the record and permits someone to immediately pay up or deny them their right to vote.

    On your query regarding funds I won’t comment on that but would suggest learning and knowing the different terms makes life a little easier as many folks don’t understand or confuse which is what when referring to the 2 main accounts your finds go to. I suggest you remember them as 1. the Admin fund is remembered as A for action, and 2. the Sinking fund is remembered as S for saving. The other thing folks often get confused about and incorrectly use is the term Body Corporate which is all the owners together, and the Body Corporate Committee which is your annually selected representative group (chairman, treasurer, secretary plus regular members), not to be confused with your Body Corporate Manager who the Body Corporate sign up to undertake stuff beyond the Committee’s pay grade.

    Anyways, I found knowing these terms helpful. I’m in Qld so your state many use some different terms but I hope that helps.