
    It certainly is an issue.  A resident has just awarded themselves a very nice chunk of real estate at everyone else’s expense.

    I would start with a polite note sayng that this is for bona fide visitors only and is not a spare space for residents to use as they see fit.  Residents’ parking there do so in breach of by-laws and could lead to a fine and/or the vehicle being towed at the owner’s expense.  Suggest that they put a notice on your noticeboard asking to rent a spare space from another owner.

    If that doesn’t work, get the strata manager or committee to issue a Notice To Comply, which is basically an official warning that carries the very real threat of fines.

    Alternatively, the committee could go straight to our handy “move it or lose it” poster, which you can download from HERE

    Or read some of the other methods used to deter parking ‘thieves’ right here in the forum

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.