
    There has been a further development to this.

    After the Strata Manager (chairperson}  was challenged about the validity of the two co-owners self nominating on the night of the AGM,  a few days later he produced  two copies (one for each of these owners) of the ‘2019 pre AGM survey’ that was sent to all owners asking various questions such as ‘would you attend meetings via video conferencing’ and ‘would you like the OC to bulk tender services’ etc. Amongst all these survey questions was a question-

    ‘Would you like to nominate yourself or another person for election to the Strata Committee for your lot at the next A.G.M.?(Please circle YES or NO). Note: Only 1 owner may be nominated for each lot. If YES, the name of the nominee;’

    The survey form had no place to write the name of the nominator nor did it require a signature.

    I will add that on the night of the AGM he said that he had received no pre-AGM nominations. One woman (nomination not in doubt) corrected him and said she had sent through her nomination with her survey, but no-one else said they had.

    I believe these randomly produced surveys, which took a few days to ‘find’ don’t provide any more clarity around who did the nomination as they are not dated nor signed by anyone so could still be a self nomination. They also could have been sent through after the AGM for all we know.

    The secretary of the SC seems to be happy with chairperson’s explanation saying ‘it is too difficult to pursue and he does not want to rock the boat.’ Personally I don’t think that is an acceptable reason.

    Also, the minutes of the meeting indicate that the Owners were asked to vote on the number of SC members and it was decided on 7. We were not asked to vote on a number, the chairperson just asked for nominations and 8 people nominated and were elected. A day after the AGM one newly elected SC member was told her nomination was not valid as she is not an owner and was not nominated by an owner. The minutes do not reflect what happened on the night at all.

    What can be done about this mess of an AGM and these dubious SC nominations?