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There are basically two kinds of strata management contracts – those that have a single fee up front for all services, those that have a reduced up-front fee plus Schedule B charges (as you have outlined has been offered to you). There is a third, actually, that has no reduction in the up-front fee and still charges for Schedule B items.
My advice is usually that if you have a stable community where there are few if any hassles, go for the reduced fee in the hope that extras will be few and far between. If you have a system in temporary (you hope) turmoil, go for the fixed fee as the higher amount would soon be overtaken by the extra charges when people contact the strata manager as they get to grips with the new regime.
It’s like you have two groups to feed – a family with a bunch of ravenous kids and a group of mature diners with modest appetities who don’t eat that much anyway.
The former, you would give the all-you-can-eat menu, because they are going to eat a lot. The latter you would give the a la carte menu because the items may cost more individually but they are going to order fewer of them
In your case, I would strongly recommend getting a fixed cost contract with few if any Schedule B items, at least until such times as everything has settled down. Ten pages of Schedule B costs are a recipe for disaster in a dysfunctional strata scheme.