
    Owners are responsible (to some extent) for the peaceful enjoyment of their lot by their tenants.  If the owner is not prepared to do anything to persuade the committee to moderate the other tenants’ behaviour, then you can argue that he has failed in his responsibilites.

    I would lay odds that the property manager hasn’t even told the landlord about your complaints. Why?  Because that would mean more work and it’s easier to let you suffer than it is for him to pick up the phone or write a letter and give the landlord the impression that not everything is sweetness and light with his property.

    Just make sure everything is documented.  If the tenants go before you get a hearing, celebrate and withdraw the application.  Tell the landlord it’s all the property manager’s fault and enjoy your new peaceful existence.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.