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Yes to all that Jimmy T. has said and especially to reading the rules on the fair trading site. Also here: https://www.lawsociety.com.au/for-the-public/know-your-rights/strata-title
Ah the joys of managing a small building where other owners do not attend the AGM then leap into action when one owner occupier nominates. You can do this! When you have committee meetings remember that you must keep minutes of those meetings, and remember that the body corp managers can only act on instruction so you can take control of the work done on your building but it takes time and energy. You may want to change managers but perhaps you can work out a way to take control and make them work harder for you, under the instruction of the committee. Managers can appear very slack but sometimes it is because no one (unit owners) has had the time and energy to take control.
I believe that you have the right to have a list of the owners and all other committee members do also. (That was the case in Vic.)
Good luck with this. Keep good records, keep communication open and clear, and remember too that if you need information consumer affairs is there to help.