
    This is not the strata manager’s responsibility. Their job is to collect the money from the lot owner, whoever that might be at the time of the bill being issued.

    It’s certainly not the owners corporation either. It has absolutely nothing to do with them.

    [Actually, on reading the post below, I realised it obviously does have something to do with the OC since it’s money owed to them.  My bad. But the point I was trying to make is that either the vendor or the purchaser owes the money and it’s just a matter of establishing which it is – JimmyT]

    The responsibility either lies with the conveyancer, if they failed to pick up on the unpaid amount, or the vendor who made a false statement about the state of the levies payment.

    Or there is another possibility – there was a pro-rata charge for the levies for the period that you owned the flat which fell in the previous quarter covered by the levies. The Vendor would have paid their share and the balance would then fall to you as arrears.

    Have a look at these posts and see if they ring any bells.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.