Sir Humphrey

    There can be unusual cases so check if there is anything peculiar to your owners corporation. For example, At the townhouses where I live, we have a development plan adopted by general meeting resolution which states that fences are discouraged (with an explanation about the reasons) but that fences may be erected with committee approval subject to certain style and neighbour consultation requirements; that repair and maintenance of the fence is the responsibility of the unit owner; that fences must not enclose any common property.

    Although these fences may be on a boundary of the unit and common property or with a neighbour, they were not part of the original construction but reluctant permission can be given as a structure erected on the unit subject to accepting repair and maintenance responsibility and other conditions.

    In our case, we have a clearly written, explicit policy. Elsewhere, without any such policy adopted by the owners corporation, you revert to the general legal principles that JT has linked to.