
    Hi there, Without knowing how many owners there are, it’s hard to comment.   You don’t say either what exactly is happening to the levies if the repairs you discuss continue unaddressed.  If I’ve understood and that it’s a case of miss-spending, that’s one position and if it’s the other owners benefiting financially, that’s another.  By position, it’s whether you can make an approach for mediation at Fair Trading.  If it’s Fair Trading, it’s probably best to interest other owners who feel the same as you do.  Lastly, if it’s the strata firm in question, there is the question of who is responosible for this situation arising in the first place.  Also be careful about your own position.  By this I mean that the lack of meetings over a long period could backfire against your claims if you did choose mediation.   Others may know more.  Wishing you good luck with your decisions.