
    “It’s basically dominated by two men who do what they want. They hold the purse strings and insist on managing everything. The Strata agent manage is useless and under their thumb. The rest of the committee is also useless, refusing to stand up to them because they hold the purse strings and self-serving committee members want them to sign off on expenses which should be personal”

    You will probably find that technically the two men haven’t done anything they personally can be confronted with.  People like this make sure the minutes reflect overwhelming agreement to their actions or that others have signed off on stuff.

    I have encountered this on many occasions and many different circumstances. Do your numbers and find how many like minded owners there are.  Start the process informally outside of meetings. Discuss with the ‘likeminded’ the need to stand up to these ‘two men’ and the best issues to do it on.

    I have had both success and failure but found political lobbying is the only practical solution.