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I’ve been searching for a way to hold them accountable. I can get an EGM organised to reverse the resolution for the Special Levy or take them to the OFT and CTTT. But to me there are important issues of probity, transparency, governance and fairness, not just in this matter but in others as well.
OK, here’s your first issue. Do you want to reverse the decision or hold them accountable – these are different but related issues? Your fellow owners may well support you in the former but be reluctant to to get involved in the personal politics of the latter.
My advice would be to get the 25 percent of owners’ signatures to call the EGM, have an agenda that has two items: 1. get more quotes, 2. Decide on a special levy or a strata loan to pay for the winning quote.
Sort all that out and you will have a platform for fixing the problems with the committee, probably at your next AGM. Try to do it all at once and the very real financial issues get lost in the fog of strata war and you will probably lose.
If you think there is a chance they will push ahead with contracts, initiate action at Fair Trading and NCAT to reverse the decision and apply for an interim order to halt any further work until another meeting has been held.
But once again, making this too contingent on personal attacks will probably blow up in your face.