Enough of Strata

    Surprisingly, when I came onto Flat Chat today, the topic of “How can we get a Royal Commission into strata managers” came up, as a recent topic, which started in 2019.

    I have in the recent 6 months had issues with 2 different Strata Mangers (and Committee members) who have not acted appropriately, and in the best interests of the Owners Corporation. The first cost that strata about $60k unnecessarily, and the people involved are still in place and unaffected.

    Regretfully, the other Lot owners did not want to be involved.  The second involved a former owner (and for a short time a Committee member), now a tenant (had to sell), who at 66yrs with only a primary school education, a very low IQ, and with great difficulty reading and writing as he suffers from dyslexia, was being picked on by the committee members (facilitated by the S/Mgr) in relation to his trailer being parked on common property.

    They took him to Fair Trading mediation & when that was unsuccessful, the matter was listed with NCAT for a hearing (this month). That matter was withdrawn after I stepped in and assisted, by seeking information on his behalf from the S/Mgr, which showed there was actually no case, proper procedures were not followed, and the involvement of the S/Mgr & the licensee not consistent with the NSW Act.

    The fellow wants the matter raised with the Minister, (considers the action was taken out of spite, for him exposing the committee’s & S/Mgr’s irregularities in the past) and has approached the local state MP, who’s staff are preparing a letter for the Minister (which I will get a chance to assist with). Maybe there will be a result, but most likely will be thwarted by bureaucrats.

    Having read the other messages on this topic I agree with all responders that nothing will be done, BUT ONLY IF YOU DO NOT TRY TO FIX THE PROBLEMS.  Its amazing if you resolve to do something and persist, you often will get a result.

    May I suggest that Jimmy Thompson, (should he be willing) arrange a meeting of Flat Chat members who have an interest in getting change effected, and want to turn the heat up on this issue, AND for those willing (with their own verifiable accounts of problems) to approach the media (preferably TV) to see if an expose can be run.   Maybe no Royal Commission, but change is possible if the political pressure ramps up through media .

    I certainly would be willing to be involved.  Persistence, it appears, does get results.