David Ng

    Talk to your insurance company about whether it is even possible to have discrete insurance policies. If so it’s probably better to go it alone.

    If there must be a combined policy then get your neighbour to advise the insurance company of their details.

    For various reasons some people are not able to be covered by insurance; e.g. if they’ve been investigated for a fraud offence in the previous five years.  Plus a host of other reasons.

    You do not want to find out there are problems when making a claim.

    It sounds like you have an inactive OC. Maybe activate it, nominate yourself as chief cook and bottle washer, and ask the other owner to join you on the committee. If they refuse then run it yourself while keeping copious notes and always ensuring the other owner is fully apprised of what’s happening.

    Let the other owner know their responsibilities in paying combined bills, especially insurance.

    Finally, good luck.