Small strata wiz

    Hello Danny D

    Not sure what sort/size of block you live in, but it sounds like multi-storey? If so, then you may not be the only person affected by the renovation. Have you spoken to residents living in other units adjacent to or above/below the works?

    It may also pay to find out from the Strata Committee or Managing Agent what conditions attached to the approval, and to ask them to step in on your behalf. (OK, I know, but it’s worth asking though.)

    I recently did a kitchen reno. While there were only minor conditions attached, I took the trouble to speak to neighbours to work out ways to reduce noise eg no power tools at certain times of the day when their toddler was sleeping, finding out when they would be away working (health workers) etc. Are the workers doing the upstairs reno approachable?

    Hope it works out for you.