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I empathise with you EnterSandman, we have that exact someone here too in Sydney’s Inner-West, let’s call her Karen.
Karen is under the misapprehension that as a long-term owner (bad behaviour doesn’t discriminate between owners & tenants) she is entitled to berate everyone else by way of endless complaining emails to our poor S/M & S/C.
If you sneezed in your bed late at night, then you can expect a 17 page complaint email from Karen by sunrise. Never ever has Karen been on the S/C herself, never provides alternatives or solutions to issues (raised by her), just complains endlessly with absolutely no shame whatsoever.
Karen removed her carpet to expose the floor boards (top floor Lot), placed ugly iron bars on windows & also did illegal work in her lot citing asbestos – all unapproved. Karen likes to intrude on new owners/tenants to moan about her deluded thoughts of being perpetually hard done by all and to harass real estate agents for owner details so she can continue her monumental poor me drivel.
Karen’s favourite line is that she’s entitled and it’s the principle of the issue. Karen is sad, lonely and forever angry.
Jimmy is right, call the Police, I did. Confronting them (albeit via Police) stops them escalating their bad behaviours. The behaviour was obviously denied to the Police but it never happened again!
Police relayed the fact that I was more than willing to seek an APVO which would also impact on Karen’s employment. Other than that, I just ignore Karen now – much to her ire.