Strata Answers

    My understanding of the Sustainability Infrastructure amendment  is that enables the passing  of Sustainability Infrastructure Resolutions for such things as solar installations with a simple 50% majority.

    Issues around the ownership of panels, common property rights and the responsibilities for  maintenance will clearly have to be addressed in a manner that binds both the affected lot owners and the OC. In other words where  individual owners are impacting on common property there will still need to be by-laws. Even if the solar infrastructure is OC owned, there will still most likely be a need for a by-law to regulate owner usage etc.

    This amendment does not do away with the need for by-laws but in effect means that by-laws relating to sustainability infrastructure can be passed with a 50% majority of those present at a meeting.

    John Hutchinson
    S T R A T A  A N S W E R S  practical solutions for strata living