
    Our faith in fire services companies has been severely diminished.

    When our current Strata Committee took over from the previous SC we found the ‘essential services’ in an incredible mess. We found that in our 25 year old 27 level apartment block essential services were being managed (as they had been for many years) by an associate of the SC Chair/Sec/Treasurer at the time. The three positions were held by a couple from a local realestate company who didn’t own or live in the building (now illegal) – so you would have to ask why they held these positions?

    We found Annual Fire Safety Statements, for the life of the building, had been fabricated. For example it was found that the fire stairs pressurization system had never complied – since the building was constructed, even though signed off each year that it did comply  The new SC (including 2 engineers) worked for 12 months and spent over $100K to have the system comply – this was no thanks to at least 3 fire services companies engaged during the process who were incapable fixing the problem.

    In addition we found our local Council were using an ‘Essential Services requirement’ that that did not apply to our building.  Even though the SC presented the evidence to Council to prove their document was incorrect (due to an incorrect construction date) Council refused to accept our argument. A freedom of information search revealed Council had lost key original documents. We commissioned a reputable fire engineer who presented exactly the same information to Council and it was accepted, meaning additional work with costs in excess of $50K quoted by one of the fire companies to bring the building ‘up to standard’ was not required.

    We now work with a fire company on the understanding that any work required may be performed by the company the SC chooses – although it is more work for the SC we choose the best company for the work required, eg emergency lighting is replaced from a stock of units we have purchased and we have our electrician install them. These stock lighting units have the longest life batteries available (as opposed to the cheapest shortest life units used by previous fire companies – this alone is ploy to maximize labour costs).

    Many fire companies employ poorly trained technicians (simply forgetting to reset a jacking pump following maintenance has caused significant water damage and a damaged $10K main pump system in our  building).  This together with a lack of competition perpetuates gouging.  In many cases SCs don’t even know it’s happening.  Management and close scrutiny of ‘Essential Services’ providers should be a critical function of any SC.