Sir Humphrey

    If R thought they were a committee member, it seems odd that almost a whole year has gone by without R asking when there is going to be a committee meeting.

    So, I wonder why has this become an issue all of a sudden? The financial year has just ended and an AGM is imminent. At that AGM, the current committee ends, whether that included R or not, and a new committee will be elected.  R may or may not nominate and be elected to that new committee. What is the rush to have R on the committee now when R’s legitimacy could be put beyond doubt with the formation of a new committee in only a few weeks time?

    However, as a courtesy, why not allow R to attend the pre-AGM committee meeting as a non-voting observer?

    Unless there is some Machievellian plot to push or block something at the committee meeting before the AGM, I wouldn’t waste energy on a matter that will become irrelevant in a few weeks.