Sir Humphrey

    … the Chair P has determined that if voting is unanimous amongst the four of us (P,K,R,me) then a resolution will be reached – and if unanimity can’t be reached on a motion then the decision will have to wait until the AGM. I do not see this as acceptable. Both K and I have made it clear that we’d like to terminate the Manager – a ‘plot’ that is undoubtedly being blocked by P, R, and the Manager.

    If something were resolved unanimously, it would not matter whether R were a member of the committee or not. So, that bit seems reasonable.

    I assume that it is up to the AGM to resolve to enter into a contract with the same manager or an alternative in Victoria like the ACT that I am familiar with. I am assuming you don’t yet have a quote or proposals from an alternative manager so it is hard to see how you could persuade the committee to recommend an alternative. You could put a motion to the AGM that the manager’s contract be allowed to run till some date according to whatever the contract allows but that the incoming committee must call a meeting to consider proposals from the current manager and alternative(s) by some date that would enable notice to be given to the current manager in accordance with the contract etc.

    A prospective alternative manager would no doubt be very happy to advise about how to engineer regime change.