
    There is no specific strata law pertaining to your situation.

    But by the concept of recipricocity, an owner is not allowed to impinge on common property. Therefore the OC can’t impinge on lot owner property. (In your case I am assuming that the courtyard you speak about is actually on your title).

    In addition any person crossing your courtyard is deemed to be trespassing, if you have expressed that you do not want people to cross.

    That then makes the path superfluous and the OC could be deemed to be abetting the trespass.

    Have a word with the SM and the committee and point out the above. If they don’t agree then a stern letter from a lawyer may get them into action.

    BTW if the path is on your property you are completely within your rights to do with it what you want. Unless a by law exists in relation to the path, anything on your property is yours and you are free to do with it as you please.