
    The managing agent has advised (quoted): There is no requirement. Who has told you that this is a requirement ? It’s not in the Strata Scheme’s Management ACT that the Owner’s Corporation must allow owners to install electric car chargers.

    What a pompous ass! You might want to point him to Section 110 of the Act which says this:

    110   Minor renovations by owners

    (1)  The owner of a lot in a strata scheme may carry out work for the purposes of minor renovations to common property in connection with the owner’s lot with the approval of the owners corporation given by resolution at a general meeting. A special resolution authorising the work is not required.

    (2)  The approval may be subject to reasonable conditions imposed by the owners corporation and cannot be unreasonably withheld by the owners corporation.

    (3)  Minor renovations include but are not limited to work for the purposes of the following— (d)  installing or replacing wiring or cabling or power or access points …

    You are absolutely right that the EV owners could take your scheme to NCAT and in today’s climate would probably win.  That additional expense leading to the same outcome would be the fault of your committee and your strata manager for failing to give the proposal proper consideration.

    Concerns about over-stressing the electricty supply at some future date are not a reason for refusing one vehicle today. They are a reason for doing what you set out to do – have a plan for the future.

    Reading the Act (which your strata manager clearly hasn’t done) suggests to me that you could give permission subject to agreement to the results of a future review if  other EV user demands ever pushed the power supply to its limits

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.