
    Well TM_15,

    Good luck with all of that but unfortunately, in my experience of some ten years, it ain’t gonna work.


    AirBnBers don’t give rat’s a**e which bin they put things in “…’cause they’re just here for a good time”. Assuming they get the stuff that far. Which most don’t as they are only there for a few days so it stays in the apartment until……

    The cleaners come along. But it’s not their job to sort things ’cause time is money.

    And the bins go on Sunday night which is the day before the cleaners clean so the putrid, maggot infested food scraps which sat on the bench upstairs now sit in the bin for two weeks because you missed the cycle.

    And the newest STHLs add to the mess already present.

    The lot owners don’t care because they are anywhere from 2,000 to 25,000 kms away and isn’t that something the STHL enablers, …sorry…., ‘managing’ RE Agents (who have, by the way, now become serviced apartment head contractors providing linen and cleaning services) are supposed to take care of?

    Well, no. Not their job either because ‘somebody in the strata’ sorts out the bins.

    You can try getting the gardner to take the excess detritus to the waste facility – at cost – and on-charge the lot-owner.

    But the Strata Manager won’t do that because it “….will just become a fight we won’t win…” as to whose rubbish it actually is. “….unless there is video evidence proving who did what….”, which you won’t have because people won’t agree to having cameras recording their every movement.

    So yes, Jimmy, the softly-softly approach can go some way in some circumstances to providing a solution and TM_15 hasn’t mentions STHLs but again, in my experience, nobody telegraphs (is that still a thing?) their intention to STHL their unit. But they do. And you know they have when the rubbish bins tell you, especially when councils instigate changes to their collection schedules.

    Now please excuse me while I go and sort out the eighteen wheely bins our six-unit complex has need to manage.