
    Thank you for the info. I will be happy  to go to the NCAT and I don’t think it will be difficult to prove vindictive behaviour.

    They haven’t provided a date when this work was done but is a “Direct contravention of Section 108 of the Strata Scheme ManagementAct 2015” . This act was not in existence in 2004 so couldn’t have been contravened anyway.
    Shouldn’t be relevant anyway as it was done by the builder of the complex. Materials and current condition all the same as the rest of the fence.

    The AGM is being held next week so I will be able to question the committee directly (via Zoom unfortunately). An opportunity for all the 156 owners to hear about the committees actions. The committee and maybe 5 others!

    Other approach is to get their reasons in writing and go to NCAT – telling them what I really think might be counterproductive!