
    The new owner does not have any right to keep the money.

    Agreed and the OP should be contacting their bank too.  But even the banks can be limited with BPAY reversals and might refer the OP to the biller.

    Looking at some instances of this, they can take quite a while to resolve.  They are messy because the funds went into the new lot owner’s account and were then transferred out of that account, fully or partially, to the OC’s account as levy payment.  That’s how it appears in the StrataMax system that many SMs use.    So the funds are not actually in the new lot owner’s account any more.   Neither the SM nor the OC has likely done anything wrong as anyone can pay a lot’s levy if they wish – it’s very commonly done – they don’t need to be a lot owner.

    One can understand that SMs have to be cautious about refunding from a lot owner’s account.  It’s the new lot owner that should be approving that or returning the funds themselves.

    Hope it works out for the OP soon.