
    It may be too late but your owners corp needs to get on to this immediately.

    Not only has chummy broken all the rules, he has left your block with a stack of potential claims against the strata scheme, if and when all his illegal renovations start falling apart.

    Make no mistake, the new owners will be able to demand that you, the current owners, fix everything that goes wrong with common property for the simple reason that you didn’t demand the mad renovator agree to by-laws covering the alterations.

    If the property hasn’t sold yet, talk to a lawyer about starting action at fair Trading and NCAT, quickly followed by an Interim order, demading that all common proeprty be reinstated – or responsibility accepted in a binding by-law, before the unit is sold.

    If you don’t do it, I can guarantee you will be back here in a year or two asking what can be done when the new owner demands (with some justification) that you fix the previous guy’s stuff-ups.

    Talk to a strata lawyer NOW!

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.