
    I had a problem with a tenant who did considerable damage to my property.  I was able to claim a large proportion of the damages from my insurance company and the residual (over $6,000) I claimed from the tenant at NCAT.  The tribunal accepted the tenant was liable and issued an order to pay.

    I then obtained a court order and and they issued a garnishee order against the tenants bank account and the bank paid me the money.  The damage done was reasonably old carpets blinds etc but it’s the replacement cost that the Insurance Company and NCAT based the damages claim on.

    I would defiinitely go to NCAT.  What you need to ensure is that you have good documentation, well presented, nice pictures in an indexed file and the tenants forwarding address and bank details.  Follow the NCAT advice from their web site.

    Its a fair amount of work and the agent probably knows that,  so is trying to talk you out of it.  I presented my own case to NCAT.  Good luck.