
    Greetings fellow New South Welshmen and Women, My question is: can a model by-law adopted by our building be challenged at NCAT or a higher authority on the grounds that – to me it seems – it enriches or provides for possible enrichment of some owners at the expense others.

    Any by-law can be challenged by anyone for any reason – but that doesn’t mean the plaintiff would have any chance of success.  In this case, the by-law is obviously intended to pass the cost of cleaning inaccessible windows to the owners corp and has nothing to do with people who aren’t (or claim they aren’t) able to clean accessible windows themselves.

    You provide no example of this and you seem to be seeking problems where none exist.  This is all bordering too close to “bush lawyering” for comfort.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.