
    Thanks for your reply.

    I agree with your comment:

    “In this case, the by-law is obviously intended to pass the cost of cleaning inaccessible windows to the owners corp”.

    My question is:

    When does a window become “inaccessible”?

    For instance, if a window that was safely accessible to owners for years is now not so because an owner cannot access it, be it for age or health reasons, does that make it “inaccessible”?


    1. Today all windows are accessible;

    2. Most units are on the first floor;

    3. All units on the first floor renovated. The renovation was upwards and have installed attics with windows.

    The only plausible explanation I can envisage for this by-law  is that while today all windows are accessible, those who have renovated and installed attic windows will in time not be accessible to the seniors who own them and hence their great enthusiasm for this by-law at the AGM.

    Am I (living on the ground floor) wrong to worry about this?