
    Hey Kaindub,

    Thank you for your reply. As to the passing of by-laws and the required percentages, given the two SC members (representing 2 lots) hold a proxy each from ageing owners (the building in question has 5 lots), they will always have the numbers to win.

    As to your point on my “missing meetings”, when I previously asked about agendas and minutes of SC meetings, I was told “you did not receive them because there were no meetings”. At other times I was told “the agenda was posted on the noticeboard”, but I replied “we don’t have and never had a noticeboard”.
    Given the SC has no restriction on how much they can spend without referring to the OC,:
    A) must they formally meet at SC meetings (and send agendas to members of the OC and in time produce minutes) in order to make decisions that impact on the OC or can they spend money and make other decisions informally,   without informing folk like me who are not on the SC?
    B) One other query, if I may.
    The OC adopted the following from the model by-law.
    <span class=”heading”><span class=”frag-no”>18</span></span>   <span id=”sch.3-sec.18-he” class=”frag-heading”>Compliance with planning and other requirements</span>

    <span class=”frag-no”>(1)</span>  The owner or occupier of a lot must ensure that the lot is not used for any purpose that is prohibited by law.

    <span class=”frag-no”>(2)</span>  The owner or occupier of a lot must ensure that the lot is not occupied by more persons than are allowed by law to occupy the lot.

    The by-law seems reasonable to me. But I did not receive a reply to my query “what is the occupancy limit”? Surely owners/tenants need to know this in order to comply with the law.

    Thanks again.