
    Well yes, if the owner has not provided a full scope of the proposed chair lift, including drawings/sketches, engineer’s report, installation details, issues regarding impact on power supply e.g whether the current wiring can take the load, how the owner proposes to pay for the power, safety issues etc. the resolution is not sufficiently detailed, and therefore if I were at the meeting I would move that the motion not be put to the owners due to lack of sufficient information on which to base a decision. Given the lift is not even for the owner’s use I would also expect to see an undertaking that they would remove the lift when it is no longer needed. I suggest you tell the owner to withdraw the proposed motion.

    The owner wants to install something for the exclusive use of their mother on common property, and from the information provided that is likely to have a significant impact on the other owners, including possible impact on the value of their property. Any proposal like this requires a special resolution, so bear in mind that if the proposal were voted on and 25% of the owners voted against it, then the proposal wouldn’t be approved.