
    I don’t remember they had such a vote.

    To be fair, it’s not unusual in a small scheme for  the letter of the law not to be followed.  It’s often just a case of sayign”ok, who wants to be on the committee?”  The problem here is that they have denied you the right to nominate yourself and there is absolutely nothing that I can find in strata law that allowes them to do that.

    I think a quick call to your strata manager offering him the option to fix the situation, otherwise you will immediately (and there is a time limit on these things) make an application to Fair Trading to have the whole election re-run art another general meeting and, by the way, he should wear any costs becasue it’s his error and no one else’s.

    Also, as a genreal rule, make sure all the blame gets sheeted back to the strata manager for having advised the committee badly.  He is dispensible – but you have to live with your neighbours.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.