
    As we have said many times on these pages, if your scheme has a lot of  dealings with your strata manager, then you should go for a contract that’s more expensive but all inclusive.

    If everything is settled and the strata manager is just orgnsisng meetings, collecting levies and paying bills , then it’s worth going for a less expensive contract thatallows for Schedule B charges.

    If I’m reading your post correctly, you are paying a lot more than the quoted figures in your actual strata management fees.  So ask the strata manager what an all-inclusive (no schedule B charges), contract would be.

    If they can’t offer a serious reduction on $75k, then you are entitled to look elsewhere.  By the way, the average per unit fees these days seem to be between $260 and $300 (but it all depends on the Schedule B charges and how keen they are to top up with them).

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.