
    Does anyone have anything that might assist?

    It’s an area that interests me very much.  You might like to read EB 9 & 10 Pty Ltd v The Owners SP 934:


    It goes into quite some detail about an OC’s obligations to provide access to common property.  Even providing access the lot itself (a fundamental right of the lot owner) across the common property needs only to be “reasonable”.   What is “reasonable” is for the courts to decide.  It might be reasonable for an OC to provide 24/7 access across common property for the occupiers themselves but restrict that access to certain times for the occupier’s goods (furniture).  It might be reasonable for an OC to restrict access to certain areas of common property due to safety and security concerns.

    OCs can certainly restrict access to the common property in many situations. But the restrictions have to be both fair and reasonable.

    Is it reasonable for you to have 24/7 access to your water cut-off valve?  I think that would be considered reasonable unless the building had on-site 24/7 management (or another way) that provided that access in the case of an emergency.