
    It seems that unless by-laws are totally specific, we haven’t got much ammunition. I should have mentioned that I’m in the ACT and my relevant by-laws are:

    3 Noise
    We aim to provide an environment that will allow all occupiers the benefit of quiet enjoyment of their residence.
    Occupiers should be aware that noise penetrates easily into other units, particularly through balcony
    doors and windows.
    Occupiers and their visitors are required to ensure that they do not create any noise or disturbance
    likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of other occupiers. In particular, occupiers must:
    3.1 Take care to ensure that entry doors to the building, stairwell and your unit are not allowed to
    bang shut. This applies at all times, day or night, but particularly between 11pm and 7am.
    3.2 At all times and especially between 11.00 pm and 7.00 am, avoid causing any noise (music,
    television, loud voices, washing machines, dryers, spas, etc) at a level that may interfere with
    other occupiers’ quiet enjoyment of their unit.
    3.3 Ensure that social gatherings in units or on balconies, courtyards or common property, at any
    time of the day or night, do not cause noise that would interfere with other occupiers’ quiet
    enjoyment of their unit.

    and, approval of renovations:

    9 Alterations
    9.1 Renovations which may impact on any adjoining unit or the building façade or common
    property must be approved prior to execution with the written consent of the Owners
    Corporation or executive committee. All renovations must comply with Australian standards
    and the Building Code of Australia. Alterations requiring prior approval include, without
    limitation, the replacement of the carpet with hard floors such as timber or tiles due to noise
    considerations, the fitment of security screens to windows, the installation of double glazing,
    or anything that may affect the plumbing such as the installation of a new kitchen.
    9.2 In considering applications for alterations the Owners Corporation will take into account the
    quality of the flooring, the acoustic insulation, location of the unit and the qualifications of the

    I would be interested to know if these by-laws are similar to the average by-laws, or if your by-laws have stronger provisions in them.