
    It turns out that the tap in the laundry room upstairs was not switched off completely and was dripping

    For sure there was a waterproofing issue.  But the waterproofing required by the NCC/BCA depends on when the laundry was built or renovated.

    Waterproofing requirements and standards for wet areas have improved substantially in recent years.  But AFAIK laundry walls are still not required to be waterproofed in all areas.  A leaking washing machine tap on a wall or inside a cupboard can still sometimes cause issues even in a compliant building.   This has caused issues in some of my buildings.  An occupier has moved out, disconnected their washing machine, but (accidentally) left a tap dripping.  Not all of that water dripped its way to the waterproofed floor to be collected by the floor waste…

    Before threatening the OC, I’d first make sure that the issue was due to a non-compliant or failed waterproofing requirement or standard that applied when the laundry was built or renovated.