
    Since you need a 75% resolution in favour of conversion to strata, theoretically that is 3 out of the 4 units in your block. So if three of you are on board with the conversion you could out vote the one CT protagonist. However, dissension in a small block of units can all sorts of ongoing ramifications which can go on for years. Plus, this may be noted in the minutes kept on file. Perusal of these minutes by a potential buyer could put them off the sale if they become aware of discord and disharmony withing the block. Real estate agents are full of all sorts of ‘fluff’ when it comes to boasting about how they could sell an apartment for more for X,Y and Z reasons.  There are lenders out there who will lend on a Company Title, it is just a matter of shopping around. If your CT block is in a desirable area of the inner west of Sydney, then you need have no concern about ‘protecting your investment’ with the prohibitive cost of real estate living in Sydney in 2020!!. Most CT blocks in Sydney are located in harbour foreshore areas around Manly and the Eastern suburbs and the owners have little to worry about their apartments diminishing in value.