
    First make sure there is no by-law that allows exclusive use of the laundry chutes by this company.

    If not, there’s probably no need to go down the fraud or restraint of trade road.  Propose to the committee that they ensure that all owners have access to the laundry chute.

    When they refuse or fail to comply, apply to Fair Trading for mediation with a view to action at NCAT to force them to do so, under section 232(2).

    If there is a by-law, you could challenge it at NCAT on the basis that it is “harsh, unconscionable or oppressive” given that it favours one commerical interest and its clients to the detriment of others.

    It may be worth you and other owners contacting a strata lawyer to issue a legal letter. If you are going it alone, contact Marrickville Legal Centre  which provides free strata legal advice for the whole of NSW for those who can’t afford it themselves.

    FYI, the term OC/BC probably means Owners Corporation or Body Corporate (the old term) which will be represented by your strata committee.


    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.