
    Update Jan-2021(NSW):

    NCAT is now getting involved in my dispute against the owner(and his tenants).

    NCAT has scheduled a “Directions Hearing” next week between myself vs owner of apartment above me.

    Directions hearings seem a bit confusing to me, but it’s i think concerned with matters when one has to establish the facts then schedule a tribunal date, Im not sure 100% what dierections hearings mean but anyway.


    What am I seeking:

    1) Current tenants be evicted June-2021, when there lease expires(tenants are disposable, as the unit above has always found new tenants fast, as the apartment building is close to sydney CBD)

    2)The apartment owner of that unit above me, then spend money on carpet replacing wood floorboards in lounge room. And carpet underlay be put under the carpet in the unit’s bedrooms. And pads be put on the cubbard doors of the bedroom doors..

    3) A tap test by an accoustic consultant done to assess the impact-noise from the apartment above me(i don’t have a problem with the airborne noise).


    I hpe I get the requests I want.