
    Hi Joe50,

    You are basically going to mediation (and potentially further) to request another Lot Owner to spend considerable thousands of dollars- solely based on your person opinion/feelings. You really shouldn’t be so surprised that they are unwilling to do this. Would you? You haven’t stated you have record of:

    1. Trying to resolve directly with the tenants directly. From this thread you went straight from upset to demanding new flooring and evictions;

    2. You have no proof of the noise, or proof that it is pervasive/intrusive (only your opinion). Do you have recordings of noises? Any professional acoustic measurement? Any diary (which will have little weight as can easily be falsified)? A signed stat dec from another neighbour saying they are also affected? Any record of a flooring change or renovation application in the strata records? etc

    The onus on proof is up to you. Best of Luck, but I’m pretty sure what the outcome will be. NB: I have previously taken my OC to NCAT about floor changes and noises- and won; so can speak with some modicum of experience.  Please let us now how you get on. This has been a super entertaining thread.