
    Hello Belinda,

    Austman is spot on with regard to required exits. What I can expand on the car park gate/ is never a required exit. NB: I am an electrical engineer and electrical contractor with 30 years experience and design dozens unit blocks in Sydney and interstate. A push button override is for  convenience for exiting the block through garage on foot only (we have one in our block).  There is not requirement for battery backup etc. If you want to limit the access to the over-ride key (which another posted correctly that it disengages the electric drive in event power failure) we have in our block a wall mounted lock key box (https://www.bunnings.com.au/master-lock-wall-mounted-key-safe_p4210912) This has the emergency key in it. Only a couple Committee Members have the code. I change our code regularly as this box also holds a set door keys (for tradies), noticeboard keys, MSB keys, side gate key etc. Hope that helps. Get those keys back!