
    In fact, another committee member has implied that … we shouldn’t do anything about it unless it also affects others.

    Anything that affects common property affects all owners to some extent, even if it’s only a potential financial liabilty rather than having a direct impact on their lives.

    Any by-law should be directed at managing the access to common property, rather than directed at any single individual (if possible).

    Doing nothing will come back to bite you when the new owners sells or lets the property, and includes the car space in the deal, using phrases like “accepted practice” when your committee objects.

    And here’s another thought – have you considered installing car stackers or a turntable to make better use of the space, including having a parking spot for each lot. You could then sell the spaces to owners to cover the cost of the installation and increase the value of each unit considerably for minimal shared cost.

    Have a look here: https://www.turntables.com.au/car-turntables/


    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.