
    Thank you both for your advice.
    Before I had a chance to share your points with the agent, he emailed me what I requested (3 days after I initially asked). It seems that the SC saw the light and realised it was unable to deny me what I was after.

    A quick reading of the information provided reveals that a member of the SC billed the OC for “continued education” in the area of strata management in addition to his (the SC member’s) labour and material for “repairs”. Note the SC was given the right to spend certain funds on the strata’s upkeep without referring to the OC for approval. But I recall that OC members were to be informed ideally before the event of such expenditure. These debits to the strata’s a/c are over 6 months old and were never brought to the OC’s attention.

    My focus is on the “strata education” expenses.


    1) All management functions are performed by the agent;
    2) SC members don’t even want to be bothered by owners at any time. They insist that all communication/requests etc be directed to the agent at all times; and
    3) SC members never sought nor received permission to bill the OC for what smacks of self improvement expenses

    can SC members charge the OC for matters that are unrelated to the management of this strata?

    If “yes” then, can I insist they make available to all owners all the literature and resources they are privy to, including but not limited to access to education portal, seminars, events etc? And if my request is denied, can I insist they repay what I consider an unauthorised withdrawal?

    If “no”, that is, if what they did is indeed unlawful, can the SC save themselves by retrospectively approving these expenses? Even though there is not a single valid reason for milking the OC. (Note they have the numbers, ie votes, to do anything they want at the strata).

    I look forward to your views.