
    Trule concerned

    I think you are making assumptions which may not be true.

    Unless restricted by the OC the committee can spend money without approval for the benefit of the strata. A committee member getting some strata training id of benefit to the OC. Even if the strata manager is delegated all the functions the committee is still responsible for overseeing decisions as well as making some.

    I’m sure if you ask NICELY the member would share any materials they have.

    Unless you have some basis for your suspicions don’t go looking for transgressions.  Its the quickest way to become labelled that crazy person.

    In the case of payment for work done, that’s a tricky one. Committee members are generally not paid for their time. However the member may be doing maintenance work around the property which would normally done by paid  contractors. IMHO if he won the job on a  competitive tender and had the necessary qualifications and was approved by the committee then i see that its a benefit for the OC to pay them for the work